The 7 Golden Rules To Achieving Your Goals!

  As an imaging specialist, one of my major passions is helping people create graphics which impact more on the viewer and less on the environment. One of my mottos is; ‘At a price but not at any price’. Many of my clients share my concern for the environment. C3imaging is a leading protagonist, ofContinue reading “The 7 Golden Rules To Achieving Your Goals!”

Your Mission Jim, If You Choose To Accept It!

  Will be to revolutionise your merchandising and point-of-sale and specify bio-degradable products and services. Richard Branson has called ‘Environmental Friendly Goods and services as the greatest business opportunity of the 21st century. Two years ago, we launched our range of bio-degradable repro-graphics, to help companies reduce their carbon footprint in the production of marketingContinue reading “Your Mission Jim, If You Choose To Accept It!”