Discover An Ancient, Powerful, System, For Overcoming Obstacles!

Spirit of the Flowers
Fleur de Esprit

My wife and I recently enjoyed, a wonderful weekend, at a retreat in Oxfordshire England, Meditating. I have studied Meditation and Eastern Philosophy, since I was a boy, well over forty years ago.

I have not lost my enthusiasm for this fascinating subject.

As an imaging specialist, I also possess an inexhaustible fascination, for letters, words, symbols and subliminal images.

buoyed and refreshed by my serene and relaxing weekend (note my use of words), I wanted to share with you, a powerful, soothing Mantra, using 3, powerful elements.

The 3 elements are; soothing and atmospheric music; a powerful, Ancient Tibetan Invocation and a gallery of breathtaking images, of flowers.

This Mantra is over 17,000 years old. Bon was practised in Tibet, long before Buddhism. In fact, Buddhism was only introduced into Tibet over 1200 years ago.

Bon is a search for virtue, compassion and wisdom. In this regard, I think the Bon were not so different from us.

If you want to use an ancient, powerful method, for removing obstacles in your life, go to

Enjoy the video. If you have any questions or indeed, comments, I would be delighted to hear from you.

My name is Steve Howard. You have been reading, the digital circus.

Published by stevehoward3

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans"​ - John Lennon. Me & John Lennon: Like John Lennon, I was born in Liverpool. Like John, I was born in one of the two famous old city maternity hospitals in Liverpool and like John, I bought my first guitar at the legendary Frank Hessy's Guitar shop in the city. Unfortunately that is where the similarity ends. I was educated at De La Salle Grammar - one of only 4 'A'​ Level Art students in my year - this imbued me with a life long passion for Art and Design.

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